Starting this week in June, the General Directorate of National Security has initiated a new digital platform called “Iblagh,” aimed at facilitating the reporting of illegal content on the internet. This platform is available for use both within and outside Morocco and can be accessed through all internet browsers on both desktop and mobile devices.

According to a statement from the General Directorate of National Security, the “Iblagh” platform is an interactive digital system that allows internet and social media users to directly and securely report all types of digital content considered criminal or violent, or that incites harm to individual and community safety, glorifies terrorism and incites it, or violates the rights of minors and others.

The statement confirmed that the development of this new platform has been carried out with a series of controls and ethics regarding the mechanisms for receiving and processing citizen reports of illegal digital content.

Special attention has been given to the protection of personal data of platform users, as the reporting mechanism offers multiple options that allow users to reveal their identity or report anonymously.

The statement also emphasized that this platform enhances important security concepts, including strengthening the partnership between citizens and security institutions in maintaining safety. It allows citizens to actively participate in reporting potential threats and risks. The platform also highlights the importance of reporting crimes and attempts at crimes that threaten public safety.

Through the launch and development of the “Iblagh” platform, the National Security services aim to improve the overall sense of security, enhance communication between the security institution and the community, and develop effective tools for combating crimes associated with modern technologies. The platform is a step towards achieving digital safety and ensuring that the internet is a safe space, free from threats and criminal behavior.

In practice, anyone can access the “Iblagh” platform via the website and register their reports of criminal content in a simple, secure, and quick manner.

The specialized technical teams of the National Security services will then carry out the necessary technical analyses and diagnostics to investigate the alleged crimes, referring cases to the geographically competent judicial police to inform the public prosecutor and receive instructions regarding the investigations.

The statement confirmed that the National Security services will handle all reports and notifications received through the “Iblagh” platform seriously and promptly, as these are complaints that require investigation and inquiry. All necessary preliminary investigations will be conducted under the supervision of the competent public prosecutors.


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